

Although the oil is centrifuged and deprived of most of its impurities, it remains turbid due to the inevitable emulsions between the oil and very small quantities of water, dispersed as micro-droplets which, within a short time, settle on the bottom, forming a thin layer that contains sugars, proteins and enzymes. These will begin to ferment causing microbial alterations, by yeasts and molds.

Although unfiltered oil apparently has a more intense aroma and a very pronounced taste than the filtered one, the micro organisms mentioned above will lead to a sudden drop in these features within a few weeks.

The filtered oil, on the other hand, will keep its sensorial and qualitative features unchanged for the entire time of storage.

Extra virgin olive oil, therefore, must be strictly filtered with hydrophilic materials to get rid of all those substances that are dangerous to the oil and to our health.

The Àmue oil from the Lamacupa Farm is filtered immediately after centrifugation, and promptly bottled or stored in steel silos with nitrogen.

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